Dr. Philipp Mettauer

Studies in history and political sciences at the Universities of Vienna, Madrid, Salamanca and Basel.
„Commemorative service“ at the Fundación Memoria del Holocausto, Museo de la Shoá in Buenos Aires.

Project coordinator and scientific staff member for the oral history research project „Austrians in exile 1938–1945: Argentina.“ Further projects concerning Jewish remigration, National socialist euthanasia at the psychiatric hospitals „Am Steinhof“ in Vienna and Gugging in Lower Austria. Realisation of the project „Forgotten and remembered. The Lindau psychotherapy weeks 1950–2010 from a historical perspective“.
Scientific researcher for the Commission for Provenance Research (Federal Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture) at the Austrian National Library.

Concluded Projects

Since 2022 research employee for |NS-„Volksgemeinschaft” and Camps in the Central Region of Lower Austria. History – Contact Zones – Memory|. In addition, research into the victims and perpetrators of „Nazi euthanasia” in St. Pölten and collaboration in the scientific preparation of the exhibition „Wunder Mensch” of the province of Lower Austria in Amstetten-Mauer 2026.

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